The interface is intuitive with legible tabs. You can also download it on your iPhone, iPad, Android, or Windows device. Text Twist game is available online on many sites. It is a one-player game and addictive too. You have to unscramble the 6 letters to stay in the game. You can make words with a minimum of 3, 4 or 5 letters but that does not push you ahead in the game. To qualify for the next round, players are required to find the longest letter word using all the 6 letters before the time runs out.

The clock is ticking as each round runs for 2 min only. Text Twist enables you to rearrange the letters entered into meaningful words. Developed by GameHouse, the game tests players vocabulary and knowledge of English words while allowing them to have some fun. Text Twist is a popular online game for word lovers. Luckily, you can use this free Text Twist helping tool on the internet. But when the clock is ticking, most players find it difficult to crack the puzzle. You can win the Text Twist game without any help, too. The good news, there is a Text Twist solver that helps you find as many words as possible using 6 letters. Text Twist can be hard to win, let alone score high.